It's been an interesting couple of weeks. First, the business trip. I pumped successfully, and made it home with just under a litre of breast milk. Pretty good going for 24 hours, I thought. The children survived, with Pob finding it harder than Junior, exemplified by this little incident:
Scene: Morning in Mummy and Daddy's bed. Mummy is away
Pob: Where is Mummy?
Daddy: Mummy is away for work, Pob, remember she told you she'd be away for 2 big sleeps? She will be here tomorrow morning
Pob: I'm crying (not crying at all)
Pob: Tubbies please, Daddy
I was fairly proud of the pumping. It included pumping in the lounge at Zurich airport. Before you throw up your hands in horror, I did investigate other places to pump. But there was no where, and the loos were a bit grotty. I found a place in the lounge where a sofa and a chair were surrounded on three sides by a wall. Only one other seat in the lounge could see in, and a man was sitting there with his back to me, about 10 feet away. I turned the chair so its back was to the entry, put my pumping bra on under my clothes, attached the equipment and pumped away. It wasn't the most relaxed I'd ever been, but I got 150 mls anyway.
The drama has come from illness. Pob came down with chicken pox just under two weeks ago. At first I thought she was going to sail through it as she didn't seem at all unwell, but the second day, while I observed new spots show up about every 10 minutes or so, she started to feel quite ill and certainly very itchy. I gave her oatmeal baths and covered the spots in calamine cream, but it didn't seem to give much relief.
Then she was suddenly better for the weekend, albeit with itching, but on Monday she became quite alarmingly lethargic and whiny, and clearly had a fever. When I eventually got in to see the doctor, she sent us straight to A&E. After three hours there Pob was given a breathing treatment which immediately helped, and after a second treatment we were allowed home with an inhaler. The following day she was back to normal, but on Thursday again she was lethargic, coughing and crying every time she coughed. To add to the fun, Junior by now had a stinking cold and a nightmarish cough which had kept him and I up all night between Wednesday and Thursday. I took them both to the doctor, who prescribed antibiotics and more use of the inhaler for Pob, and gave Junior a steroid treatment to avoid the worst of the croup he seemed to have. Thursday night was better.
We seem to be quite dependent on the inhaler for Pob. On Sunday she seemed to be having a good day so we didn't use the inhaler before we took them out for brunch. During her nap after brunch she started crying out and coughing in her sleep, and I ended up waking her to use the inhaler. She hates it and fought desperately against it, but within 10 minutes she was back to being chirpy again. So we have to keep persevering. The doctor has made little noises about childhood asthma but says it's too early to tell. Fingers crossed.
This would all happen the week I go back to work, yes? More on that anon.
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