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Saturday, 17 October 2009


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What a gorgeous girl! Congrats on her second birthday.

Betty M

What a total cutie! Happy belated birthday POB!

Ah the playground tyranny of the older girls. I know it well. I seem to suffer more than L does. She just pronounces the ones who wont play as a bit mean and finds a boy instead. Boys just don't bother with the cliqueiness by age.


Happy Birthday Pob! You've grown into such a lovely little girl.


Dear Thalia, many thanks for this lovely update. I can picture her so clearly now, and she sounds amazing. She's obviously making huge strides, which are bound to cause (both of you) massive emotional upheaval. I'm very curious to see how her relationship with Junior develops -- that bathtub scene sounds so much like what happened when we put Melon in Banana's room one evening to sleep. Not so fast, buddy, was pretty much Banana's reaction too.

And that playground scene sounds so familiar too. Ouch. Sigh.

Over 7 kilos, eh? Well done you!

Lut C.

Happy birthday Pob! What a wonderful birthday cake!

Two is still quite small, but she looks like a little lady with her dress and red shoes.

I'm impressed with Pob's language skills. It's lovely when you can have a bit of a conversation with your child. Does she like to sing? Linnea loves for me to sing, but has recently started joining in. Very cute (though with sometimes wildly inaccurate lyrics).


Happy Birthday POB. She looks and sounds amazing Thalia. Isn't it funny how proud you can feel about a baby's growth when they are breastfed. I say about baby K (who is 15 lbs at 3 months) I grew her on the inside and now I am growing her on the outside. I can't quite believe my body figured out how to do all this.

So glad to hear how great things are going. POB will adjust and you will be having bath playtime in no time.

Girl Detective

She's just lovely, and best wishes to all of you on her birthday. I'm so glad for your little family.

My two boys, 6 and 3.5, took a bath together tonight. I think it was the first time they've agreed to be in the tub at the same time.


Pob sounds like a lovely little girl. I'm going to go and check out that no-cry thing, as one thing that really really gets to me is all the crying and whining that goes on, for NO apparent reason. (There's crying and whining about things I would happily say yes to, drives me *batty*)


Pob is gorgeous. I am so happy to read of her progress. My baby moo is also 2 yrs now..where did the time go? I love very minute. Your writing also hits a chord with me...today especially about them moving away from us, which is right and perfect, but hits you in the heart sometimes. Mine says this week "no mama, me do it, ok self now" ahhhh! but not always, I still get a lot of love. :) LOLO

Yo-yo Mama

She looks adorable, and everytime I look at my own daughter I'm amazed at how influencial 15 mos of life has been on her. What have *I* done in 15 mos? Compared to her? Not a bloody thing. It's amazing.

It just gets better and better - for you AND Pob.

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