Pob: Where's baby Junior?
Thalia: Nanny has taken him for a walk
Pob: Around the block
Pob likes me to put face cream on her when she comes up to the bedroom. A few days ago she saw the hand cream and asked for that instead. After I'd put it on her nose and hands, she looked at them and said: "Normal cream please!" So we had to do it again with the 'normal' cream.
This afternoon H brought Junior up to the bedroom where I had taken a sneaky lunchtime nap (Junior is NOT a sleeper). He explained he'd left Pob two floors down in the playroom with her play dough. We spent a minute admiring Junior together when a little face came round the corner of the door: "I do it by self!" she exclaimed. Cue heart attack for Mummy and Daddy thinking about the very steep, slippery stairs she'd just climbed alone. I guess she had to do it sometime.
She feels the need to police how we look after Junior, and clearly thinks it's my job (see previous post). On arrival back from a trip to my mother's house last week, I went to get her out of the car. As I opened the car door, she exclaimed: "Get baby Junior out too!" It's sweet she's taking so much care of him in these situations, although if they are both in the playroom she pretty much ignores him.
There has been a real language explosion again and most of what she says is in sentences, with a few places where one word is clear so she's just sticking to it. Most of the sentences are missing a word or two, - e.g., "Breakpast time now" (not a typo, that's a pronunciation idiosyncracy). But more and more, she talks like a real person. "Where's Po gone?", "Daddy's in the shower," "That's my shoe." I love watching this development, and boy is it easier to help her have a good day now she can (mostly) tell us what's on her mind.
I bet it is! Sigh!
I do hope Junior gets the sleep thing sorted soon; Harry suddenly got a lot better at 4 months old.
Posted by: Hairy Farmer Family | Sunday, 06 September 2009 at 17:55
I'm sure that soon enough she will start directing Junior in her games and he will follow her orders slavishly. This seems to be the way particularly when the older sibling is a girl!
Posted by: Betty M | Monday, 07 September 2009 at 10:00