Things are ok. My supply is at about the same level as it was with Pob, so so much for making sure baby has unfettered access to the boob for the first few weeks - Junior was on the boob constantly and it's made no difference. The homemade SNS is working ok, a bit of a faff but nothing like the torture of the Medela one we tried last time. I feel that sense of loss of the breastfeeding relationship I wanted, and being able to feed the baby completely and easily, but I also want to do what I can to give him breastmilk for now. What it takes for me to do that is SNS, and pumping, and long feeds, etc., so that's what I'm doing.
It means I am sleep-deprived in a way I don't remember being with Pob. Feeds are taking between 1.5 and 2 hours including pumping, and he wants to eat every three hours during the day, four at night. I think the not remembering is partly that Pob did sleep longer between feeds, and I'm very conscious this time of not letting him go too long, but also partly that you forget just how unrewarding and hard those first few weeks of a baby's life are. They just want to eat constantly, their digestive system gives them a hard time, and they don't seem to have any reaction to you other than to scream for what they want. I remember how much easier it got to do what needed doing when Pob started smiling at me, so I'm hanging in for that moment.
We haven't yet decided about the circumcision. I'm loathe to do anything to upset him while the feeding is so hard, but realise we havent dealt with the halachic issues in any way. Another post to come on that.
Other than feeding pains and having a hard time with his digestive system, Junior is a really sweet baby. He's very pretty, and very very alert when he's in a good mood after a feed. He seems to be trying really hard to roll over which I sincerely hope he doesn't do for a while.
Pob is being amazingly sweet with him, lots of hugs and kisses and wanting to tell him about her day ("Baby Junior! Pob puddles boots jumping!"). She did however bite me one day last week while we were playing with her Play-dough.
Thalia: Ow, darling, please don't bite mummy
Pob: Mummy
Thalia: Do you know why you bit mummy
Pob: (points to my hand)
Thalia: Not where you bit me darling, but why? Are you feeling a bit upset?
Pob: Ok
Thalia: Or a bit sad
Pob: Ok
Thalia: Do you know why you feel upset or sad?
Pob: Junior, junior
So I dunno what level of comprehension that indicates, but I think it is hard for her. She's also had a stinking cold for a few days, and so has been more whiny than usual, plus I'm desparately trying to prevent Junior from catching it which has probably made me a bit tense. But really, she is doing incredibly well and we couldn't have asked for a better, sweeter reaction to her brother than this.
All in all, we are doing fine. Tired and a bit emotional, but fine.
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