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Monday, 23 March 2009


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Hairy Farmer Family

I've just had a little think - Junior must be nearly 25 weeks now, or thereabouts? Tempus fugit! You must be getting kicked to smithereens.

Pob really needs to have a long one-to-one with Harry about the benefits of A) wearing a hat, B) wearing wellingtons, C) performing little tasks and D) talking. I am consumed with seething envy and vicariously delighted at Pob's wonderful progress ALL AT ONCE!

On the other hand, Harry needs no help whatsoever with his spaniel/thug imitations around other children's food and toys!

Country Chick

Theo is very Mummy-focused too - probably just beginning to come out of it now, but for ages I was the only one he would allow near him if he woke up in the night / hurt himself etc etc. I think, however, you are right - when you are actually completely unavailable (ie not there at all) Daddy is a very acceptable substitute! Good luck with the trip.


Dear Thalia, I'm sorry you've had such a rough few weeks work-wise, and hope you recover soon. Yes, wouldn't it be good if our toddlers gave us a bit of that excess energy?

Pob sounds amazing. The food envy made me laugh out loud -- Banana is the same way. (Poor thing, she gets that from both of us. I used to be the biggest food beggar in the world.) The language thing amazes me. Word combinations already!

Hoping your trip is not too hard on you or Pob -- a week, I am sure, feels like such a long time. I'm a bit worried about my absence next week, too -- and everything that it involves. Gulp.

Betty M

As usual Pob is sounding adorable. Oh I wish that my eldest could get back her eat anything and everything days. School has a lot to answer for.

Sorry work is such a killer. When do you get dispensation to slack off?


I remember coming home from shifts when I was pregnant, falling into bed and sleeping like a dead thing for 12 hours. Only to be late for my next shift.

Glad that Junior is doing well in there, and how fast Pob is growing up!


They do indeed count as sentences! Well done Pob.


I absolutely agree with Pob. Potatoes are NOT NICE.

If Junior is anything like his big sister, he will be unutterable in his perfections.


Those are definitely sentences. Yay Pob!

And do enjoy the eat-everything-and-anything phase; my eldest was the same at this age and he has become a very fussy 3yo.


Pob sounds like the perfect 18 month old! Amazing how much they change every month, isn't it?

So very happy that Junior is doing so well. Over halfway to meeting him.

motel manager

Isn't the language stuff cool? I am constantly amazed by it. I also get extremely sentimental when S. makes something in his art class -- the fact that he is a little person who can make things is remarkable to me.

Pob sounds like a very smart little gal, unsurprisingly. And she also sounds super-charming! Moreover, she will have a British accent, which I always envy.


What? You were an hour from my house and did not visit??

OK . . . so that's not the topic here . . .

Yay for clever POB!


I like the communication thing. It's pretty rudimentary still, over here, but it makes such a difference.

I am relieved about the hats.

I don't know where the energy comes from.



Oh, Thalia! I don't know how I've managed to be away from blog reading for so long to have missed your news. My bloglines was all screwed up for a while and I stopped using it and now I'm confined by terrible back pain to lying semi-upright with a laptop balanced on my belly and I find you again. Please forgive me for the long absence. And many, many congratulations! Our due dates must only be a few weeks apart, I don't know how I missed it.

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