Embryo measuring 8w3d with a lovely fast heartbeat (not measured but could clearly see it going at least 2-3x/second). Clear view of yolk sac, the developing amnion and umbilical cord. Embryonic sac measured 8w4d. So everything on track.
Of course I'm worrying still. The embryo wasn't moving. At 9w Pob was positively bopping around, and one or two of you commented you were confident that she didn't have a chromosomal defect because your own experience was that embryos where there was something wrong often had an indication at this stage in that they were slower to move. The sonographer says she does see embryos moving at 8w, although Visembryo says that spontaneous movement isn't possible until a certain stage of brain development at about 9w2d or so. So perhaps I shouldn't worry about that.
I do worry about a chromosomal problem, regardless of this movement issue. To learn the likely situation with that worry, we will do a nuchal scan at the super-duper clinic where the man who invented the quad screen does his work. I was so determined to get him personally to do the CVS, should we decide we need it, that I took my worry and superstition in both hands, beat it into submission, and called them one day last week to book the appointment and make sure we got in on a day when he is in the clinic. Monday 22 December, I will hopefully be 11w5d. Before then we will have one last scan at the fertility clinic on 11 December. I can't go too long without a scan, and my clinic are amazingly sympathetic to my needs, I'll have to think of a way to thank them.
I'm sorry I don't sound happier. The effects of some horrible tragedies in the blogosphere, particularly in the last year, the sad story of my work colleagues -the one a few weeks ago and the one last year, they are combining with my natural pessimism to make me very very cautious about any form of celebration. I know that seeing a right-sized, heart-beatingy embryo at this stage has genuinely dropped the risk of losing the baby (the oft-quoted statistic that once you've seen a good fast heartbeat at 6w the risk drops to less than 5% turns out to only be true if you are under 35, if you are nearly 42 it's closer to 15%). But it's not zero, and I'm aware that risk factors are high for this pregnancy, still.
I know this is good. It's really good for now. I look forward to more good stuff to come. Sometimes.
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