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Tuesday, 28 October 2008


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oh boy, i remember that feeling that friday is light years away. hoping for an uneventful next few days!


I don't know what to say. I'm still hoping for you.


Hang in there. We're all here with you.


Dear Thalia, how I wish this were unequivocally good news. How I wish you weren't stuck in nightmare limbo again. Hoping with everything I've got, my dear.

And I hope your trip proves an effective distraction for the next few days. All my love.


Well, not much can be done except hope, right? Next beta will tell one way or the other anyway. Meanwhile work away and we'll be here for you.


Hoping very hard for the news to get better by the end of the week. I do so want this to work out for you, friend. Sending lots of love. xx


things can never be simple can they. holding onto hope that weeks end brings good news


Awww crap. The beta number is really good, but the bleeding... not so much. May I hold on to your hope for you just the same?


I've been a lurker for a while now but this is my first comment here, just want to send you a big hug and all my best wishes for next friday.

Somewhat Ordinary

I'll be hoping all the best!!


Nothing like a little limbo to make things interesting, eh? *sigh*

I'm going to continue to hold out hope for you, anyway. May Friday bring good news for you, Thalia.



ergghhh... how frustrating. Hoping for the best on Friday.

Country Chick

Sorry, it must be hell for you. Hoping for the best.


Hard. Very hard. Sorry to hear this.


Hang in there. We're all pulling for you.


Hoping that it works. Have my fingers crossed that you get good news.
I had a big gush about week 3 when I got pregnant with Marjorie and after 3 miscarriage prior to that I freaked out. She is here now and almost 10 months old. So I am holding out hope that you have that same good fortune. The baby one not the miscarriages, you knew that is what I meant, right? ;) Hugs from WI.


Just catching up on the last 3 posts- I'm holding out hope still but am sorry that its so vague and delicate at this point. Thinking of you...


Wouldn't it be great to prove Dr. Shoes wrong? Just blow her out of the water?

I'm hoping for you.


You remember me? 44 years old, 5 prior miscarriages, bleeding all through pregnancy #7? And you know how it ended so even though I HATE basing anything on anecdotal evidence, I will still hope for you (even if you can't).


I understand your need to be a bit guarded. But, anything is still possible at this point, so I'll keep hoping for the best of all posibilities.


I think it can go either way at this point, so I'm going to keep hoping that this worked.


Well crap. Hang in there. Stay busy. Take care of yourself.


The whole 'yes you can be a Little Bit Pregnant and it SUCKS' thing. I'm so sorry. Fingers crossed it works out. Thinking of you.



I will hope for you. I understand the self-protection in feeling negative at this point. When my betas didn't double and my progesterone free-falled (80 to 50 to twenty something from memory) I did the same. But it ended well.

I really hope it does for you, too, my friend. Despite the bleeding.


motel manager

Bleeding -- gah. But very solid beta number. I'll be keeping everything crossed for you!


Thinking of you and willing this to be an anecdote to comfort others with in the future. You're still in the game, stay as positive as you can. Sending positive vibes your way.


Well my theory is that the bleeding is the other embryos.

Both the beta and the prog are good enough in my opinion at this stage.

Self protecting goes with the territory, exhale when you can and fingers crossed.

My Reality

Hoping for the best.


Taking in all the positives in the comments above and hoping for you Thalia. xxx


Well, here I go crossing my fingers then . . .



I'm so sorry that you're in limbo. I'll be hoping for good news.

another karen

sounds so lame, but its true:

i'm thinking of you. and keeping the door open to hope....

take care,


Shit, I don't know what to say. Add me to the chorus anxiously crossing my fingers and hoping for you.


I always sort of felt like ambiguous news was the worst news of all. I know that you're going to have to be pessimistic (mostly) just to protect yourself. But I'll keep being optimistic just because I don't know what else to do. Also, because this really can be just fine.


I'm so sorry about the bleeding but the beta that became my ladybug-onesied son was 123 14 dp3dt so, uh, 64 at 11 or 12 dp2dt (not quite sure which you are ... the time zones mess my poor simple mind up) sounds quite livable to me. I get it, though, and am sorry about the stresses ... my low beta turned into a boringly normal pregnancy, here's hoping your higher (than mine) beta does, too.


still hoping...


Oh Thalia. Please know that I am thinking good thoughts for you. I hope Friday's beta gets you out of limbo. In the meantime, wishing you some strength and comfort as you abide.


Can I hold onto a bit of hope for you? I will be thinking good thoughts.


I'll be thinking of you.


Ok, I've just caught up.

First. I hope you sort the husband/job situation out.

Second. Good luck with the next beta, and the next, and so on. I guess there's not much to do except see how it turns out. Fingers crossed.



Thinking of you, everything crossed.


Ever hopeful for you, Thalia. Hang in there and I'll be checking back . . .

Betty M

That's sounds a pretty good beta to me but agree with you the blood does not help with the stress levels although you know that Dr Shos and her colleagues reckon bleeding way more common in IVF pgs - cant remember the figure they have been giving people at the clinic recently.
Fingers firmly crossedfor Friday and all days till July.


I will be keeping my fingers crossed...


Wow, I had to do a whole lot of scrolling to get to this point, so I'm glad you're at least getting a lot of support!

Keep us posted, and I'll keep my fingers crossed tightly for you.


I am joining the others holding on to some hope for you. And, since I'm catching up on the last couple of posts -- those pregnancy tests sound like they could be dangerously addictive, and I'm sorry about the husband/work front. I get that one, personally, too. Ugh.

I am crossing everything for you.

Hetty Fauxvert

This is *such* a hard time, in this waiting limbo. I had forgotten the anxiety and craziness I had, but you've brought it back for me.

Fingers! Crossed!


I'm hoping your beta went well, babe. Thinking of you.


Hey Thalia, just catching up here. Like the others, I also have my fingers crossed an am hoping for the best. That beta sounds pretty good...thinking of you today.


T, I just saw this. Congratulations! I hope you have a safe and healthy pregnancy! Much love to you and the fam :)

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