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Sunday, 19 October 2008


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I just realized yesterday that I had been missing posts, but it wasn't just yours. I switched to google reader and i'm hoping that helps.


I also missed posts from a few other bloggers. Too funny if it was those characters though!


straightforward is good....I am tired of people who say something and don't really mean it. I like your honesty and if the reader doesn't like *&&^)% characters, then just spell it out for us and we'll totally understand. I'd be pretty pissed too if someone stole my expensive shopping and we all feel your pain, top it off with the stress of trying to do another IVF at the same time and I probably would have called the thief somethiing far worse! Wishing and hping for success for you every day! Reading your blog always puts a bright spot and a bit of hope in my day.


I was missing them too. But now I'm all caught up and rooting for you in this new cycle!


Glad you got it sorted.

Thank you for your comment. It was very sweet.


I've missed seven of your posts! Like Jenn, yours isn't the only blog that Bloglines has mysteriously dropped lately. I'm not sure what's up but I'm thinking of moving to Google reader too. I was getting ready to email you and see if you were okay when all of a sudden the last seven posts just popped up. I'm off to go see what I missed.


I've had no problems with Google Reader but I still only see a few lines, but that may be a deliberate Typepad (or Thalia) ploy.

Looking back, I see you never told us if you had any luck getting anything back for your shopping that was stolen? Update please miss!

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