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Tuesday, 14 October 2008


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It is what it is indeed Thalia. Here's to those five and may their eggs be mighty.

liked the title!

Lisa Later

i won't be irritating and tell you that my (41 year old) friend had one egg and that that little egg is due on friday

no, that would be irritating



go follicles go!

Betty M

Absolutely - go go go.


What a nice surprise, dear Thalia! May this be the little difference that makes all the difference. Best of luck for tomorrow morning -- I'll be thinking of you.


Go forth brave eggs and be fertilized!

Good luck tomorrow, T.


sending lots of good mojo to your follicles!

motel manager

wishing you good luck!!


Best of luck to you and your follicles!

Country Chick

Oh, good luck, Thalia, I shall be thinking of you too. (I understand so little of IVF, I can really make no informed comment on the goodness or badness of the thing, so it shall just remain a thing, as you say!)


Good Luck!

Girl Detective

May your follicles flourish. Go, go, go!


I've been wondering if certain differences like that are the result of changes in my clinic's approach, or do you think it was just a different response? Whatever the case may be, best of luck with retrieval!!

marie baguette

Good luck to you and to those little follicles! Keeping my fingers crossed for you


I think that you should just relax and have sex and not even bother with the energy.

Then again, I'm in one of those moods after the Tories just got reelected here.

Did you do anything different on this cycle?

Ms Planner

I have my fingers crossed for you that this seventh cycle is a lucky one for you.

Even though Missy is just 5 months old, I already think about what it will be like trying to create another child for our family and it scares me to death.

I am glad to know someone so formidable who I can look to for some inspiration.


All I can say is I feverently hope one of those follicles is the one that becomes a sibling for Pob,



Ellen K.

Good luck today!


Could you send me your spreadsheet of IVF cycles? I am 41 and just went through or should I say just had my first cancelled cycle. I worry that I gave up too soon (stim day 7). I am trying to decide if I hsould to through another cycle this time with the flare protocol or if I should just go straight to donor eggs. Hearing your story will help me decide.

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