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Friday, 01 August 2008


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hang on in there, embies, hang on in there!!!


Good luck.

I second your feeling of nonsense. I resumed my normal activity with the Mini, and here he is today.


Wishing you lots of luck!!!!


Just wanted to wish you luck!

How long do we, uhh, I mean you have to wait for the beta?!


I am so hoping for a beautiful singleton for you. Is there any hope of freezing the "average" embryos?
Glad Pob is keeping you company.

Betty M

Good luck. I agree re the bed rest - seems pointless. First time round when I knew nothing of the mysterious IVF rituals I went straight into work after ET and that was a success.


Best of luck to your and your three little embies.


I had 3 embies transfered (I'm 35), and it has resulted in a singleton pregnancy. Guess here in the US they are happy to transfer more. Anyway, hope the 2ww passes quickly and we here good news at the end.


Sending good thoughts, sweetie. And mmmmmm cherries :)

Jo in Utah

Prayers, hopes, fingers crossed, whatever good luck or karma or universal love I can channel for #2.


Wishing you luck!!!!!


Yay for the three latest POBs!


I agree about the bedrest and I think M&S is good for fertility . . . must be.

Good Luck!!

Girl Detective

Go, little things, go! Crossing my fingers and wishing fervently that things go well for Pob's future sib. Love to you all.


been thinking about you and hoping things went well with the transfer. I totally lolled about after my transfer- but that is because I never get the chance to loll and I seized it! It was kind of boring tho'...
sending mojo to your mid section!


Yeah, mojo to your midsection, I like that! I agree about the bedrest too, I really cannot imagine biologically what difference it would make. It's not as if the embryo is going to fall out!


Fingers crossed for a healthy singleton...



Everything crossed! Good luck!


All my bits crossed for you, dearie....


Good luck!


I think the bedrest stuff is all voodoo and superstition as well.

Here's to a speedy 2 week wait with nice news at the end. Holding thumbs, crossing bits, all that stuff.


Yummt food and TV and blog reading sounds like exactly the appropriate level of activity.

Crossing everything...


hope The Wait flies by & brings good news.


Though I'd take any excuse to spend the day in bed, reading and eating cherries.

Fingers crossed.


Stick little embryos!
...and I'm interested to hear if the 2WW is at all easier or seems any quicker now that you have Pob as a distraction...


I feel as if I've travelled back in time, writing this comment.

I didn't do any bedrest after my transfer. In fact, we wandered around London and did some shopping. Somehow it all worked out ok.

Good luck. I'll echo what Angela said - I too wonder if this 2ww will go faster now that you are a bit...preoccupied?


I'll be hoping for the best for you!

So, your remaining embryos, will they be frozen right away, or grown to blast? My clinic froze the few good ones we had at (day-3) transfer and grew the not-so-good ones to blast and surprised us with some unexpected survivors.

Oh, and good for you being sensible about normal activity. My RE doesn't recommend bedrest and if he did, I probably wouldn't do it anyhow.


Good luck, Thalia! As you know, I transfered three and I'm now having twins. Given the panic over the news I'm still experiencing (at 24 weeks), I'm hoping for one healthy POB 2.0 for you!

marie baguette

I think bedrest (just like it is for difficult pregnancies) can't really hurt and give you the feeling you are actually doing something to improve your odds. And even though we know it is all bollocks, I am still wondering if everexhausting myself after my first positive beta did not result in a miscarriage.
Anyway, I just wanted to wish you all the best. And you just never know... Transfers are such lotteries! I ended up pregnant with quads with just 2 very average embryos.


Wishing you lots of luck!


I agree on the bedrest and my clinic said they tell women that it's bedrest because if they just say "take it easy" they take it to mean only do 3 loads of laundry instead of 5. Which don't get me into the sexism in that statement or the assumption that women can't make their own decisions.

Good luck :)


Sending you lots of hope...


I hope one of them sticks around for the next 8.5 months or so. Or two, if that's what you want. But it doesn't sound like it. :)


Wowee - congrats! And frankly, I think all those 'excellent' embryos is crap (or maybe just MY excellent embryos are crap?).

Good luck and have fun in Cork - I love it there.

Country Chick

Good luck Thalia - have been away and only just caught up, but have been thinking of you anyway. I know it's irrational, but I HATE that whole planning thing myself. I get myself all worked up an superstitious that changing plans will jinx the whole business. Hope you are saner than me!

Lut C.

I'm glad you made it to transfer, hoping for an excellent singleton pregnancy for you!


This is exciting! I'm thinking very positive thoughts!


Keeping fingers crossed...

FWIW, we transferred 4/5/5 decent (but not great) embryos in my 3 cycles, resulting in 0/1(MC)/1(Kitten) implanting. I think you and I are the same age. So I think you made the right choice to push for the transfer of 3.

Yummm - cherries!!

motel manager

Just catching up now and wishing you lots and lots of luck! (I also think bedrest after transfer is silly.)

Somewhat Ordinary

Oh, boy am I late. I've missed a lot because I'm pretty bad about blogging these days. I just want to wish you all the best!


Best of luck to you. I'm wishing you a perfect, healthy singleton. :)

And I'm with you on the bedrest=nonsense bit.


I'll be hoping for that healthy singleton pregnancy for you,



Good luck.

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