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Monday, 14 July 2008


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Great post. I remember being amazed when I realised that the first IVF pregnancy was from a single egg, the odds against it must have been huge given the early stage of the technology.

But in a minor aside...suppositories??? Maybe I'm alone here, but I've always used that term for things that go up the bottom and pessaries for where my progesterone goes ;)



I wrote about the same thing once after watching a documentary on IVF. I imagine how frightening it must have been for Mrs. Brown to even try this scary new thing. It was scary for ME and it's been around since I was born (i'm a week older than Louise Brown).


Beautiful post and very true. We owe so many people so much for all of their hard work.


Interesting fact: LB's mum didn't know she was being experimented on, or at least not the extent. She was under the impression that "hundreds" of babies had been born by IVF already. The standards of informed consent weren't then what they are now either... When I heard that, it made me wonder how things would have been different if they'd told her. On the other hand, having known infertility, I'm confident someone would have stepped up to the plate.



Hear hear! Wonderful post!


Our kids are sure to wonder about the primitive trials we endured for them too. Yay progress!


Thank you, indeed!

Portia P

Hear hear.

I've a huge amount to be grateful for. ICSI's even younger - only 15 years or so. If it didn't exist my whole world would be very different.

Betty M

I agree - thank you.

I now can't wait for teh advocates of treatments on the edge of what is generally accepted to get those randomised controlled trials done so we can see if it is just extra expense and potential side effects or something we should all be having. I'm sure any ethical concerns can be overcome and as Bea says the patients will step up.


Amen. Thanks to all those you mentioned and many others who remain anonymous...

I hope you enjoyed Pob's blessing ceremony!


Awesome post. I'm planning one of my own on the 25th, and next week an article I wrote about IVF and the need for the U.S. to mandate insurance coverage for IVF is appearing in my city's newspaper. It's an important day in my life, for sure, as I'm sure it is for many women whom without IVF would never be mothers. Thanks for posting this.

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