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Monday, 21 July 2008


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I breastfed my twins but I really didn't feel like I gained any bonding from it. I had a hard enough time bonding as it was and I think the struggles and demands of breastfeeding didn't help. Once it was easier, I still didn't get the warm fuzzy feelings everyone talks about while nursing. I wouldn't do it any other way, but I certainly don't think it's the be all end all of bonding. And it would be really interesting to see if those thing happen while pumping or bottlefeeding like you said.


Just saw this post now. Didn't come up on Google Reader after you added the post to the link, so please don't be disappointed in the lack of comments.


Same for me - I saw the link and read it but didn't get a New Post notification on Google Reader after you actually wrote a post!


I also didn't have this come up on my RSS Bandit feeds (truly).
Are you feeling more loved? :-)


yep, updated post didn't show up on bloglines either!


I did read the original article, but wasn't quite sure why you posted it so didn't comment... I haven't read the study itself, but I'm always (as a computational biologist myself) somewhat suspicious of sweeping conclusions like this one that are drawn based on computational analysis alone. I should go and read the source doc to really make an evidence based statement / conclusion - but just too many other things on my plate right now. I do in general hate the reporting of scientific studies in the popular media, they leave out so many of the important bits like caveats and context that the authors usually do place around their work.

Betty M

Also coming here just now as in google reader hell after being away a few days with no internet access and returning to 100s of posts for which I blame Blogher.

As to the article these things are like the endless food x causes cancer/prevents cancer stories - "science" journo gets and regurgitates press release without much thought.

Girl Detective

I breastfed my first, and had many problems, and we aren't particularly "bonded" to one another. He didn't like the sling, being held, has a bad temper, and we often have been at odds with one another. I was much more relaxed about everything with my second, though, and breastfeeding was a lot easier (though still painful for the first several weeks, rather than days--those things they don't tell you!) and he and I were more attached, largely because he enjoyed the sling and being held. As with anything, I think the people involved dictate what works and doesn't. A mother who is in pain or resents the physical investment of breastfeeding is not going to be radiating loving attachment, and her kid will perceive that, I'm sure. Weigh the costs/benefits for whoever is in the BF relationship,and base the decision on that, not on studies.


Loved this post. Breastfeeding is such an emotional thing for me. It's insulting to think that because I was unable to breastfeed, that I am any less bonded to my children or that they trust me any less. Perhaps they have a greater bond with their father, who was able to be more involved with feeding time, which no matter how the nutrition is delivered, can be an opportunity to bond in a peaceful manner.


The only reason I didn't comment on this earlier is that I didn't see this earlier. As you probably know, I'm a huge advocate of breastfeeding, but one of the reasons I am is that I think that the level of true advocacy available to women in the United States is deplorable. I have no idea what it's like in the UK (I hope better).

I think you did an amazing job, and I hope that overall it was a positive experience for you. I'm sorry that it was such a difficult and trying time for you.

I agree that research like this is rather one-sided. While the benefits of breastfeeding are quite clear, the other side of things like bonding, etc. have NOT been studied. Do we KNOW that the same level of bonding, etc. do not exist with bottle feeding? One of my triplets was fed only breast milk, but only in bottles. Does that mean I'm less bonded to her than to the other two? I certainly hope not. Would anyone know which of the three didn't breastfeed directly by looking at them? (Actually the occupational therapist knew right away which one was the bottle feeder because she didn't have a tongue thrust response with her food... but that's another story)

Lut C.

This post read like a pat on the back to me (lots of trouble with BF,supplemented with SNS all the way). Thanks.

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