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Friday, 06 June 2008


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Wow, that site's a lot more sophisticated-looking than the version that was around back when I was temping and charting... oh but the very thought of those days cracks me up!


Ha! Conception Action Pack! Why does that make me laugh so hard???


It always gets my back up when people quote "scientific research" without providing any references.

I completely agree with you that this site is unscrupulous - a lot of things it says are true, it's just a few key phrases that do not have scientific support that make all the difference. Ugh.


Oh deary me...

More crap to waylay the hopeful. Just what the internet really needs...



What a load of tripe.



My face part is the bit about the Slovakian psychiatrist and the Iron curtain. Just the right touch! chuckle....


That site is frightening...

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