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Wednesday, 25 June 2008


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It's all very exciting! Sounds like you and Dr. Candour have a good plan going.


Congrats on arriving at this place! You sound wonderful.


Back on the rollercoaster - I can't tell you how much I hope that you don't get derailed, and end up with the prize you want!!!

Betty M

Hope is good and 22% at our age is pretty good too. I am excited for you.

Hairy Farmer Family

My fingers are going to be tightly crossed for you! And I do hope that this journey is less fraught for you than previously.

We are a little way behind you here, but heading in the same direction. Hoping that we can do this next one spontaneously, or via IUI at a push. Really need to lose the baby weight from the last one first though!


22% isn't bad at all, and remember, if IVF doesn't work you can still use my method, DHEA + wine + a few mojitos + baby aspirin....unconventional but fun, haha

I have proof in my arms that it works on aged non-functioning ovaries like mine, so on yours with all those lovely antral follicles, you could have roaring success.


I'm really hopeful for you!


I don't know....if something was 20% OFF, wouldn't you snap it up and call it a good deal??

Hoping for the best (and QUICK!) news for you...


Welcome back to the roller coaster. I hope it's a short ride for you this time around!

waiting line

Yes, it's certainly worth a try - especially if you have the means. And while you may not feel elated (understandably, of course), your matter of fact approach should (hopefully) keep your stress levels to a minimum. In the end, that too, may be a blessing.

Here's hoping you win a golden ticket.

All my best,


Good luck with the rollercoaster. I hope this time the ride is a roaring success for you!

motel manager

It is definitely a big deal to step back on the IF rollercoaster, but I think 22% sounds pretty good. I will be enthusiastically rooting you on!


I'm wishing you all the best, Thalia. I'll keep everything crossed for you. Here's to a sibling for Pob!


Ugh- back on the rollercoaster. Of course you aren't so thrilled. I wish it would just happen for you also, because sometimes it seems like so much to go through for potentially nothing. But I've got hope, that somehow, some combination of those 3 things (fresh IVF, frozens, and trying the old fashioned way) will give you the ultimate pay-off. I look forward to following along on your (hopefully quick) ride.


Good luck!


The logic all makes sense, but I can see how it would feel so sudden.

Good luck



Well, you've very brave! We just had the transfer of our #2 Ivf cycle, and I can't imagine going through it again. All the appoinments, meds, blood tests, plus the stress levels. Phyically and mentally, I don't think I could do it again.


Ah, Thalia, good luck to you! I am excited, nervous and overwhelmed for you. And you know? It just may work.


Best of luck, T. Hopefully Pob will keep your mind from getting sucked into the black hole of TTC!


LOL, I saw 22% and thought, "Wow, that's GREAT!" Seriously, I'd french-kiss any RE who told me my prospects were that promising (I can say this safely; it will never happen). All of which is not a way of poking fun at your angst or telling you you have it good, quite the contrary, it's a way of commenting on just how messed up IVF, or even the prospect of IVF, makes us.

Um, best wishes to you for quick success achieved with as little stress as possible.


Yes. Welcome back to the roller coaster. We're going to be starting IVF in about two weeks.

Kate (formerly infertile not inferior)

Came to find an update (haven't been in a while) Wow - Congratulations on getting back on the proverbial horse. All the best to you... I'll keep my fingers crossed.


Here's hoping this next journey is a short, rewarding and positive (in many senses) one.


Welcome back on the bandwagon? Not that I'm back on it myself... glad you're feeling matter-of-fact. Probably a good approach.



I vascillate but continue with the meds because there's just that slight bit more probability with the RE's way. The one we did manage on our own (6 years ago) didn't stick around anyhow.


I can imagine how weird it must be to be back at this stuff.
Hope it all works out well.


Gosh, it IS all rather sudden, isn't it? Damn infertility and all its time-and-planning screwing ways. Fingers massively crossed (can one massively cross a finger?) that it all goes well and smoothly.


I definitely understand your lack of optimism, but I think you're making the right choice. Good luck, Thalia! I'll be thinking about you.


I admit, there's a piece of me that's glad to have my old friend back. A piece of me that's sorry to have to watch you going through this again. And a piece of me that's excited for what the future holds for you.

And really? 22%? I think that sounds pretty good, all things considered.

Oh, Thalia, my friend, I'm so happy for you. I have so much hope for you and I wish nothing but good things for you. I know how much you want this, and I want it for you.


Hope this rollercoaster ride is less tumultuous and over (in a good way) faster than the last ride!


I hope you get a good go on the rollercoaster.

I *did* eat sushi, and felt terrible anxiety over it for two weeks. Not recommended!

Ellen K.

Good luck to you!


Wishing you all the best...Keeping everything crossed for you!


Thalia--good luck. I agree with you that it is worht a try--I think if you don't try you will always wonder down the line. The second time around was a very different experience for me...I think b/c I had B and I wanted another baby, but if it wasn't going to happen, I knew I was going to be okay.


Wow, the roller-coaster again. I think it takes more courage to go back a second time, knowing what's in store. I'm hoping for the best possible outcome on the first try, no nonsense or heartbreak involved. Good luck, sweetie.


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