Until 10 days ago, we regularly thanked our lucky stars that we got a baby who sleeps. She went through from midnight til 8am-ish from about 12 weeks, and apart from an occasional early morning wake up (at 6am, say) she stuck to that pattern for about 2 months. 10 days ago she woke at around 4, inconsolable, and wanted a feed. So I fed her. The next night the same thing happened. The following night she came down with a cold, and woke at 2am and again at 530ish, needing a feed both times. The following night the same. Then most of last week she woke at 530 demanding a feed. I prayed it was down to the cold and kept going. The last two nights I've been able to settle her without a feed. Friday night she woke at 4am, while last night she woke up every 10 minutes or so between 210 am and around 345, then started waking again at around 630, although I managed to get her through til 715 before I gave in and fed her.
What is going on? I'm sure the cold has something to do with it. She might also be doing the 19 week sleep regression 3 weeks late (?). Or starting the 26 week one early? Or going through a growth/development spurt? She has just learnt to roll over from back to front, doing it for the first time when she was having naked time before her bath yesterday, and has been doing it constantly since, although she can't do it while she's swaddled. Or, and my best guess, she has become dependent on the dummy to get to sleep, and so when she goes through a lighter sleep part of the sleep cycle in the middle of the night, she can't get herself back to sleep without it and needs me to put it back in. Again and again until she gets back into deeper sleep and spits it out.
We're still swaddling by the way. I've experimented twice with sleeping bags, and both times she's fussed and cried until I've given in and swaddled her. I've just put her down for her nap with one arm out of the swaddle, thinking that if we can get her to sleep like that, she might be able to self soothe with her hand if she wakes in the night. We'll see. She, miraculously, has gone down with that one arm out, so maybe she's ready for a bit more freedom. We'll see.
Just in terms of background info, she sleeps well during the day, at least 1 hour and often up to 1h45mins in the morning, about 2 hours after lunch, and a short 40minute-ish nap at around 1715 before we start the evening routine. The advice I heard that babies under one need a nap after they've been awake for 2 hours has been invaluable to us, and helped us recognise her sleep cues. Oh, and she will NOT go down at 2000ish after her bath, book and singing for anyone but me. She screams blue murder if H tries to put her to bed, although she will go down for a nap happily with either of her grandmothers or with H. For me, she goes straight down at 2000 with no fussing.
Any advice much appreciated.
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