On Thursday, Pob was three months old. The day didn't begin auspiciously as she was recovering from her injections the day before, so she woke at 530am and needed a feed. I ended up just putting her in bed with me and feeding while dozing for a couple of hours. It wasn't the best sleep I've had but it was warm and cozy and very sweet. She still needed a bottle at the end of it, but it felt ok that we'd had that wonderful cuddle time first. We're doing better. No breast refusal since my last post, and no formula since Tuesday night, my pumping has been doing pretty well despite the fact I stopped all supplements (thanks Meg!) on Wednesday and haven't been pumping all evening any more, either.
At three months Pob is an utter delight. She is smiley and very very alert, constantly bobbing her head as she struggles to look at everything simultaneously. She'll flick her eyes back and forth between my face, H's face, the light fittings, the bannisters, a toy, as if life is too short for her to get in all the experiences she wants. I took her to a Gymboree class yesterday, and even though it was during her naptime, there were several bits of it she loved, particularly having the multicoloured parachute waved above her head and then snatched away. She also enjoyed looking at the other babies, and spent very little time looking at me. Occasionally she'd flick her glance back to me as if to check I was still there, then she'd go back to looking over her right shoulder to see what was going on over there. After the class she fell asleep as soon as I got her in the Baby Bjorn. On the bus on the way home she lay with her head resting on her arms, it was really an adorable pose.
One of our best times together is bath time, a big change from when she used to scream the house down during this. We've now managed to get chilled out about it ourselves, and thanks to a great bath toy and some Supernanny tips on how to get her in and out of the bath without surprising her, she seems to really enjoy it. Perhaps the most enjoyable part is when we give her a massage afterwards. I've been meaning to learn how to do baby massage properly, but in the meantime I'm just following my instincts and she really chills out while I do it. We get lots of smiles and giggles, with perhaps just a little screaminess while we're drying her or geting her vest on afterwards. But in general it's a lovely process.
In general,I think we have pretty much the best baby in the world. She is certainly beautiful, but she's also edibly cute, I can't get enough of looking at her, kissing her and hugging her. It's a shame she doesn't yet respond to kisses, but she gets them anyway. She also (mostly) sleeps well which as given us all back some of our sanity. She smiles and plays and seems to quite like H and I. She finds the world a fascinating place, and the delight we get from watching her watch it is indescribable. Yes, we waited a long long time, but now she's here, she's perfect. It's not really possible to write how happy I am, but I am. Yes, I'd like to have lost more of this weight, yes, I'd like for feeding to not be such a palava, but if this is what life is like in order to have Pob, well, then it's worth it.
With thanks to DD whose holiday card inspired me to write about happiness for a change!
What a beautiful, sweet girl. I am so thrilled that she brings you such joy and delight.
Posted by: Jen | Saturday, 22 December 2007 at 14:12
"In general,I think we have pretty much the best baby in the world."
Of course you do. She sounds lovely. I'm glad you're so happy.
Posted by: EJW | Saturday, 22 December 2007 at 14:30
Lovely post, sweetie. She is just so lovely and it's great to hear how happy you and H are. Happy three months, Pob :)
Posted by: Kay/Hanazono | Saturday, 22 December 2007 at 16:04
She is lovely. She totally ignites babylust in me everytime I see a picture!
Posted by: Aurelia | Saturday, 22 December 2007 at 16:08
Gosh...DD's card was just the most beautiful ever! Three months is fun. I'm glad you're having such a good time with POB.
Posted by: Suz | Saturday, 22 December 2007 at 17:01
She's lovely!
Merry, Merry Christmas!
Posted by: daysgoby | Saturday, 22 December 2007 at 18:07
She is beautiful.
Posted by: My Reality | Saturday, 22 December 2007 at 18:14
She's beautiful and it is wonderful that she brings you such joy. And it keeps multiplying as she grows.
Best wishes in the new year,
Susan in OR
Posted by: Susan in OR | Saturday, 22 December 2007 at 18:23
I can't believe she's three months old already. And the best part is that as much as you love her and enjoy her and are happy now, it really does keep getting better!
Posted by: Nico | Sunday, 23 December 2007 at 00:57
What a lovely girl! I'm so happy to hear the joy of raising Pob in your posts -- it makes my heart smile.
Posted by: Tinker | Sunday, 23 December 2007 at 05:43
Merry Christmas T,
She's an angel, beautiful!
Posted by: Kimmer | Monday, 24 December 2007 at 18:43
It seems I missed this post somehow (Bloglines is being such a poop or maybe I'm just out of it...), but while I should say "you're welcome", I want to thank you, Thalia, just for everything.
Posted by: DD | Wednesday, 26 December 2007 at 21:18
I can't type a smile, but posts like this remind me what I'm working so hard for.
Posted by: geohde | Friday, 28 December 2007 at 09:17
Pob is gorgeous, and I'm glad that you are having such a lovely time with her.
Posted by: elizabeth | Saturday, 29 December 2007 at 20:43