I seem to be suffering from early morning insomnia. I wake up some time between 430 and 545 and can't get back to sleep. This morning I woke up on the early side, but managed to get a comfortable nest set up on the sofa, and dozed off again around 6. Only to be woken by a loud crash at 630. It took me a while to figure out that what had happened was that a picture had fallen off the wall above our coffee machine, bounced off the coffee machine and slammed onto the floor. Nice. Luckily the coffee machine is working, albeit with a broken lid, because not being able to get cofee at this point would be a total disaster.
So I haven't had much sleep. Luckily I'm not going to work today or tomorrow, so I can nap at various times which will really help. Off to see Dr OB later this morning, I don't expect him to say anything interesting other than 'get a scan next week' given the baby hasn't moved and I'm still feeling fine, albeit with swollen ankles (not fingers), and plenty of heartburn and general grumpiness. Having a baby's head shoved into your ribs is not a very comfortable thing to live with. Bending forward is no longer even a vague possibility.
It still hasn't sunk in that we could have a baby in as little as 2 weeks time. The house is an utter mess as the basement still hasn't been re-waterproofed since the flood, and Pob's room has just been painted, so the furniture for her is just sitting in boxes in the hall. We got a new printer, that's still in a box. We had to move all H's camping and golfing stuff, our shoes and coats out of the basement so those are scattered over our living room. The study floor is covered in paper as H tries to sort out his filing system. My papers are in piles all over the house as I wait for him to find some space in the filing cabinets for me to file them. I still have books in boxes from when we moved house, but there are no bookshelves for them. We've had mice so there is poison and traps under the units in the kitchen. You get the picture. None of this is life threatening, but I'd love to be more organised. I'm not a tidy person, but from time to time am good at doing a massive spring clean, often around the jewish new year. But work has left me so knackered that I've done very little in the house for the last few months, and it shows. Luckily we have a cleaning lady, so it's not too disgusting, but she doesn't get to the big stuff like cleaning bookshelves, stairs etc. We're getting a cleaning service in for 2 days next week to do a thorough spring clean, but they can't do the paper filing for me...
Anyway, it will all be fine in the end. I either will or won't sleep, the house will or won't get tidier. I will or won't have time to finish those posts I've got brewing about my antenatal classes, and a couple of scientific publications that have come out recently. But either way, we'll probably have a baby home with us. In 29 days at the latest. Wow.
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