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Saturday, 23 June 2007


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I love my ibook... LOVE the thing. As for firefox - have you tried Safari? I really like it. I know it irritates D, but I love the thing and never have any problems. Works easily too.

Hope the passenger settled down and hope you have a good weekend.. Let me just say am very jealous of the new mac - I recently drooled over the power book at the apple store.


I'm a long-time lurker, but as a fellow mac lover, it sounds like this is an excellent time to comment!

I am assuming you downloaded Firefox as a diskimage (.dmg) file. When you double-click on it, it mounts a disk image and acts like a separate disk. You will need to open that disk image (double-click) and drag Firefox to your Applications folder, where it will install Firefox.

I keep a shortcut to my Applications folder in my Dock for easy installing.

Hope that works for you!


Glad you're loving your Mac purchase! I'm typing at the moment on a MacBook Pro. Love it, but we're all on G4 or G5s in our office.

Your dinner tonight and tomorrow sounds wonderful! Enjoy! Now I'm very hungry so I'll get dinner underway on this side of the Atlantic...

Hope you're feeling better with your little passenger. Have a wonderful weekend!


I just looove retail therapy, but I'm a complete dunce when it comes to all things technical so have zero help for you whatsoever! Enjoy your new Mac...


What kind of Mac? I'm considering a laptop to replace this stationary thing, but I have no idea how to compare them feature wise to PCs. Did you go for the tiny little one or bigger?


First! Don't forget to practise your home movie making by entering the Internatinal Infertility Film Festival.

Second! Congrats on your purchase. Can't give you tech help, but have fun with it... I always do with those things...



My husband has a Mac computer and laptop. He loves them! I think you'll enjoy your purchase.


Yay, here another Macbookpro lover. Don't you just love that the keys light up automatically when it gets dark?! After copying firefox to the applications folder you can just eject that funny firefox disk on the desktop.


Dear Thalia, isn't it lovely to have a new Mac? Oh, the possibilities!

I see ZTZCheese has already answered your question about the .dmg file. As for the underlined hyperlinks, you'll find that in a rather unexpected place: in Firefox/Preferences (drop-down menu), select the "Content" tab. Under "Fonts & Colors", click on "Colors". Under "Link Colors", uncheck the box "Underline links", and Bob's your uncle.

I'm sorry to hear about the crampiness. My passenger has been getting a little irritable lately when I've overdone it, especially in the heat. Scary stuff. I hope your cooking (yum!) and relaxing has calmed her down.


I have no idea about the computer stuff, but I really want to come over for dinner :)


yay! Macs rule. I have 3 of them and I use them all. Firefox also rules. I know the mac folks are trying to do a relaunch of safari- but so many sites just look crap in safari.


I haven't used a Mac in 12 years, so I'm no help there. Your dinner sounds devine. You've given me some good ideas for my grocery trip this afternoon.


I'm a Mac user too, as my department uses them and therefore my "work" laptop is a Powerbook. They are v. nice - if you need any tech support give me a shout - we've talked my mum through various things over the phone!


I was about to post the answer to your question, but it looks like it's already been answered :) Hope you're having a wonderful weekend playing with your new mac!

Betty M

Sounds like a great day to me. Great menu too. Glad you get to stop flying soon.


can't help you with the firefox problem. I had a lot of problems with firefox and I've switched to Camino for browsing and I love it.


3 macs in our house. We love them.

I read the bit where you "lost yourself for a minute" to my husband and we both laughed ourselves silly. We can relate.


Ooh ooh ooh! I am SO excited! Guess what I did yesterday (Saturday)? Yes, I did, I bought myself a MacBook Pro too! Because the usual computer was having hissy fits, and I had been saving up for a laptop for ages, and so yesterday I snapped and marched into town and jolly well went and got the shiny lovely shiny gorgeous object of my lusts.

My own H is also delighted, because he's a bit of a MacHead and I am 'graciously allowing' him to set it all up for me...

Excuse me, must just go and stroke my new toy in a possessive manner.


I'm going to be in West London in a little under a month! I'll add the whole foods market to my list of sights to take in while I'm there.

Your Mac sounds awesome! I have no assvice re Friefox because I'm not a Mac user but I hope it all works out. Enjoy!

Mary Ellen

So jealous! I so want a mac.


Serious technology envy going on over here... *drool*

Have fun with your new mac

*pets mac*


Oh, how I love, love, love my Mac. I got an iMac desktop, because I won't be traveling without lugging baby stuff until its time to upgrade. Then, I'll get a MacBook. Whoops, now I'm off on my own Mac tangent.
Anyway...the photo/movie software is amazing. And yes, indeed, you will be using it quite a bit this fall!!


Congrats on your new Mac! I LOVE my iBook (a bit older but still wonderful!). Looks like your configuration Qs have been answered already (let me know if not). :)


I'm a PC girl myself, but your Mac sounds wonderful. And your dinner sounds delicious. Mmm.. hungry now.


Congrats on the Mac purchase!
Now please post those recipes, the butternut squash one has me drooling.

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