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Wednesday, 30 May 2007


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Hi Thalia, I'm so sorry to hear about the cold and its effects; I hope you're feeling like your old self soon. How thrilling to feel the passenger more often now! And how lovely for your husband to be able to share in such a woundrous experience! I'm so happy for you both and your little family. Enjoy this time; I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Enjoy your visit in US City!


Hope the cold gets better soon! Glad to hear the hubby got to feel the passenger wiggle. How fun!

Ms Planner

Hi Thalia -

You & H must be so happy to feel the little one moving around. Have a fun weekend in the States.

Cheers, Ms. Planner


I hope you get better soon. I caught a cold when I was travelling after a conference, and it wasn't till it was over that I realized how much it had sapped my energy.


So glad to hear from you -- I was getting a bit worried (and I now have my mobile again, so I was determined to call). I'm sorry about the cold and cough. That must be really difficult when you can't take anything (or most things, at least). I hope things clear up very soon, and that you've got a good self-pampering program in place for the weekend.

And I love that she is moving so much. I have finally acknowledged to myself that I'm feeling my passenger move too, and it's wonderful. Sort of like popcorn popping under a pillow. How amazing that H felt it right at the right moment!


At this point I'm assuming no news is fine. So, you know, feet up and rest.



Sorry you're all sick! I'll bet that feeling the passenger move helps a lot, though!


I'm sorry about the cold. I was soooo lucky and didn't get sick during pregnancy but I remember thinking that if I did, it would have laid me out flat on my ass. I hope your weekend is relaxing.

Mary Ellen

I am sorry you have a cold! How wonderful that H got to feel the baby move!


Sorry you aren't feeling well. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way. Take good care - drink lots of tea - and get some rest too.



Sorry you're not feeling well. Take it easy over the weekend, feet up, and rest.


When are you stopping racking up the FF miles? Take care of you and junior passenger, sweetie. Glad to hear you are all doing so wonderfully.

Lut C.

Get well soon, all of you.

How fabulous that you can feel the passenger move, even more so that you managed to let your husband feel it. :-)

Time to get some goodies only available in the U.S.!

Lut C.

Get well soon, all of you.

How fabulous that you can feel the passenger move, even more so that you managed to let your husband feel it. :-)

Time to get some goodies only available in the U.S.!


yay for movement.
boo for colds.

bratty question: in your copious free weekend time would you mind updating my blog url? :)


Betty M

Yukk to the cold and yey to the moving and grooving from the passenger. Hope you get to do some fun stuff at the weekend even if you are alone.


Glad you checked in!


Thanks for the update :) Hope you feel better soon!


Thanks for the update.


Hope you are feeling better today.

Matthew M. F. Miller

Get well soon - for I can say that although men represent more than half of all fertility patients (what a joke!), I am the man that misses your blogging most of all.


oh i hope the cold passes soon. amazing how an annoying little bug can make us feel so enormopusly crappy.


feel better soon! hugs


When do you get to stop travelling around the world and settle in for some serious nesting? Hope you are feeling better soon.


Welcome to our side of the pond! Hoping you're feeling better, and glad you're getting to enjoy feeling the baby move!!

Pamela Jeanne

Thanks for your comment. Wishing you a speedy recovery from your cold and safe travels.


How awesome to feel bub move. Unreal!


Yes, I remember having a shocking cold while preggers, it's horrible coughing away and plays havoc with the pelvic floor muscles!

Wonderful moment feeling those movements!


Hope you are doing well...so exciting to be feeling movement!


Hope your cold is gone soon. SO happy your are feeling her move frequently. It is such a sweet feeling.


Just catching up... I have been away for toooo long! I miss everyone. So glad to hear that things are going well. Hope you feel better soon!


Hey, T - I understand you're busy and all that but I'm just making sure you got the email about the travelling book the other week. If you're snowed under let me know and I'll pass it along in a different direction.



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