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Friday, 01 December 2006


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Thanks for your comment on my blog and your advice. I am so glad that your frosties are strong and will be praying for you for this FET. I also responded to your comment on my blog. Sending best wishes


Good for you and your three embryos. May they stick.

And I'm glad you feel some resolution with the clinic stuff.


You already know how I feel. I just wanted to wish you luck in every way that I can, as promised.


Glad you have 3 snowbabies to work with. Sending lots of vibes to them and wishing you the very best.


Still pulling for you Thalia. Let's put a little romance in the tragicomedy, shall we?

Lut C.

Good luck with your embryos! I hope you get a pleasant surprise.

It's good to hear the tension at the clinic is dissipating.

Plain Jane Mom

Thank you for posting. My fingers are CROSSED for you now, so pardon the tpyos.

I'm glad that there is less interpersonal stress for you with the docs. That has to have been even worse than you said when you were still posting. I'm still trying to imagine how bad it must have been to get YOU to shut up... ;)

I hope those little blobs are getting comfortable in there. This is the part that always freaked me out -- they're so small and hard to imagine.

Thinking of you.


Oh, sweetie--crossing everything for you!


Stick baby(ies) stick!

waiting line

thank goodness - good luck!!


My entire body is crossed for you-- quite an accomplishment since I don't even do yoga. Good luck!!!

'Nilla @ Vanilladreams

Very happy to hear this Thalia! I am sending good thoughts to all of your embryos, even the dodgy one!! ;)

(dodgy really is one of FAVE UK words!! I picked it up when I lived there, and have used it ever since! ;D)

I really, really hope these embryos stick around for the long haul!!

Much love,

Robber Barren

Pulling for you, my dear.


miss you, good luck...


That's great Thalia, I was wondering how it was going. Thinking of you and wishing you all the best.


Lola Badeggs

I don't know how to type crossed fingers (or indeed how to type with them), but they are crossed for you.

Lisa P.

Thalia, thinking of you and wishing you great news....


Thanks for the update, Thalia, and the very best of luck to you!!


Wishing you all the luck you need.

Take care


I'm sending you lots of good luck wishes.


Good luck - I was hoping to see some news. This sounds very promising, and I will be praying for success for you.

Glad things are better at the clinic, too.


Dead Bug

Rooting for them, and for you.



Everything is crossed for you!! Good luck!!!!


Nice to hear from you, Thalia. I hope the next time you post it's with wonderful news.


Hi Thalia! I was reading about you on Smarshy's blog.
Just wanted to wish you all the best and I hope those embryos hold on tight!!


My fingers are crossed for your EOB (embryos on board!) take care.


I hope you're doing ok in your 2ww......


It's so nice to see a post. I'm glad to hear you have 3 embryos and I'm crossing fingers for you. I'm happy to hear that Dr. Condescending replied with a nice email, that must be a relief to have that sorted out.

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