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Friday, 08 September 2006


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Hi Thalia: if by chance you don't get a response, you might want to donate the medicine to your RE clinic. That's what I did; my only request was that the recipient's insurance didn't cover IVF.

I've been reading your blog for a few months, and am sending you and your husband all my happy thoughts. Go embies!

All the best,


I can add in 4 little vials of Menopur and 450iu unopened box of Gonal-f (but now out of date).


It's like a swap meet.

If you get any takers, I can add a box of progynova if you'd like.

(Am wondering if we are able to keep trading up to a house in the countryside).


I'd add to the pot too if I could, but I'm hoping that Vanessa leaves me an open invite to the house in the countryside.


you know, i am a bloodsucking american attorney- and i think this is the sweetest thing i've ever read. random acts of kindness are precisely what the world needs more of...

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