I've been asked a number of questions in recent comments so I thought I'd do a big round-up.
Natural Killer Cells
The article referred to by Dr Candour last Tuesday, which roundly destroyed the link between NK cells and fertility, is here. If you have problems with that link, let me know as I've downloaded the pdf - but I don't want to get sued for copyright infringement by the BMJ so please read it online if you can - it's free. The authors are pretty unequivocal. I recommend you read it if your clinic is pushing this treatment. One choice quote:
Firstly, as mentioned above, uterine NK cells are different from those in peripheral blood. Examination of peripheral blood NK cells will not tell us what is happening in the uterus. This is akin to estimating the number and activity of black cabs in Trafalgar Square by analysing red mini-cabs circulating on the M25.
Okay then. I get it. Thank you.
Film stars I know who are pregnant
The one to whom I was referring is called Rachel, and she wore a gold crepe-y dress to the golden globes. Molly dissed the dress in her recent post. Is that enough info? I haven't spoken to her since I was 17, so it's a bit of a stretch to say I know her, but I certainly know that she isn't 34, as one article about the golden globes said. I got to know her best when we both sung in a production of Handel's Messiah when I was 13. She was the year below us and was just on the verge of being 'discovered'. She was already quite precocious, which to us, as her elders and betters, was fairly irritating. I remember eating dinner with her in the big, dark dining room (we were staying late at school for rehearsals so were the only ones rattling around the place), and her saying to us: "Everyone says I look just like Brooke Shields. Do you think I look like Brooke Shields?" Of course we said no, and tried to squash her. But she was pretty unsquashable. And good for her. She was bloody good in that latest film, so I thoroughly respect her craft. I just didn't need her to have an oops baby just before her wedding.
But something that Pamplemousse asked in the comments to that post got me remembering that I also once knew the husband of the blonde rock chick Ms Gwen S, who is expecting in the summer. He was the boy we all had a crush on at primary school. And I know the father of Ms Ginger Spice's baby - he was the boy we all DIDN'T have a crush on at primary school. Ah the brushes with those who are knocked up, accidentally or otherwise. Do you think I've just been dissipating all my fertility goodness over the years with those I've had some form of contact with, and now there's none left for me? No? Oh well.
Our frozen embryos and why aren't we using them
Nina asked about this a while back. We do have three frozen embryos, but (i) I don't think they're good enough to use without backup (one 7 cell, one 6 and one 5 on day 3, the first two rated 'good quality' and the last, 'average'), and (ii) I want to make more embryos than we can use in one cycle while I still can (HA! Watch me tank out on the next cycle) so that if, in two year's time, we want a sibling for putative baby number one, we have some frozen from when I was 'only' 39. Let's see what happens. Interestingly, Dr Candour has never raised the topic with us, so either he thinks they're crap, or he's not reading the file properly. I'll have to ask him next time I see him.
Update on "we're covered for IVF"
It is my great pleasure now to be dealing with a US insurance company. Boy I really hadn't understood what I was missing. And let me be clear that this company has a dedicated phone line for my company, so we're important to them. I submitted a claim for all our unfunded treatment just before Christmas. I'd heard nothing, and I need them to give permission for the Lap, so I called on Friday. To find that I'd been refused payment for the IUI and the IVF, but they'd issued a cheque for some random amount on 10th January, that I haven't yet received (I did ask, cheekily, if they'd put international postage on it, and the woman I was speaking to did have the grace to chuckle about it). I pointed out that I'd been told I was covered for both the IUI and the IVF, and the woman did a little check, then said that yes I was, but that all fertility treatment has to be reviewed by their fertility group, and in my instance it hadn't been, and she'd get it done. Then she called me back twice to check on why my payment wasn't itemised and why part of it was paid to a trust. Let's hope something happens there.
I think there were other updates I was intending to give, but whoosh, they've all gone. Hope you're all well. Any more questions (no matter how random) put them in the comments to this post and I'll do another round up.
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