First things first. My line: "day 5 transfer doesn't improve success rates per cycle started, although it does improve success rates per transfer," caused a lot of confusion. I'm sure I'm not writing it accurately, but let me spell out what I think Dr Candour said. What he said was that if you look at cycles started, there is no improvement in pregnancy rates if you compare those cycles with day 5 transfers to those cycles with day 3 transfers. But if you start your numbers at the day of transfer, then there is some improvement for pregnancy rates if you compare day 5 transfers to day 3 transfers. The reason being, presumably, that a lot of embryos conk out between day 3 and day 5, and so those cycles are cancelled, and hence the rates per cycle started don't look that good. Implication is that some of those embryos that didn't make it to day 5, would have survived if they'd been in the uterus. However, if embryos get to day 5 outside the uterus they're pretty robust and so, as a population rather than as individuals, are a bit more likely to implant than a population of embryos looked at on day 3. I don't want to get into drawing normal distribution curves, but for those of you who do stats, the mean of the day 5 population is to the right (where right=likely to implant and survive), but the tail of this population goes all the way over to the left, same as the day 3 population.
Still no? The answer is, if you have six or more good looking embryos on day 3, it is worth going to day 5 to see if they survive, then putting back those which do - and it is likely that you will have some left on day 5. If you have fewer than six, you're better off putting them back into the uterus on day 3, since if you wait to day 5, you might have nothing left to transfer, but some of the ones that died might have made it had they been inside you. That's the best I can do, I'm afraid.
Okay. On with the show. I'm still incredibly grumpy and am annoyed with myself for being grumpy. Feel like I should be in a better mood by now. I am in a slightly better mood, some of the time, but as noted earlier, it comes and goes. H and I went on a date last night - we went all the way to the East End to go to an Indian restaurant that Zagat's recommended, and it was just what it said on the tin. Small, cramped, very friendly, very authentic. Of course it kills me not to be able to eat the bread, but I guess the sacrifice is worth it. Is it? We then had a lovely walk though the east end and the city at night, including visiting the Lloyds building close up, which I'd never done before. We then went to an old friend's party near Chancery Lane, which was rather nice actually, even in my anti-social state. Then we went home on the tube. We commented throughout the evening on how nice it was to be out together and how we should do it more often. And I was quite happy. So I can be in a good mood, it just doesn't last that long.
I have been incredibly good about the wheat thing. I basically haven't eaten any for two months. The bits I have eaten are:
- A taste of the mixture when I made banana muffins last monday morning for H for his breakfast
- Half a slice of the banana bread I made a few weeks ago (when I made it). Although I ate none of the chocolate cake I made the same day.
- (presumably) a bit of wheat in the batter of some fried green leaves I ate at a restaurant at lunch today
- (presumably) small traces in other restaurant meals
I have also cut back on dairy, but not cut it out completely, and cut back on sugar, but only because I'm not eating cakes and biscuits. I'm still eating chocolate, but it's medicinal so that's ok.
Honestly, I don't feel at all different. And I don't feel different on the days I do eat a little wheat, or the days after. However, I'm pretty sure the endo is back as I've had a lot of cramping this month - both during my period and since. So I don't know whether I can keep this up. On the one hand, it is helping keep my weight down since I'm not snacking so much and much of what I want to eat when I'm after comfort food is out of bounds. But on the other hand I do just want a pizza sometimes. Or a roti (last night). We'll see if I can stick to it.
But the real hardship for me of the last year has been giving up coffee. It's killing me. I love coffee. I love the paraphenalia, I love the process, I love the taste, I love trying all the different beans. I do allow myself a few sips when I make H his coffee on Sunday mornings, but otherwise that's it. And I miss it. I did expect to also miss Diet Coke, but actually, it's been ok. It was my sweet substitute post-lunch when I was losing weight last year, and it's been hard to find an alternative, but I'm coping without the substance itself. But oh do I want a cup of coffee.
One time I'm planning to take a break from the wheat fast at least, is over the Christmas break. H and I have booked a holiday, and we are coming to the land which most of you frequent. My airmiles are buying us first class tickets, flying into DC on the 24th, then out of Philly on the 4th. On the 24th we'll drive to the Inn at Little Washington, and we'll spend Christmas Day there, eating their gourmet dinner in the evening. On Boxing day (or the 26th December to you Yanks) we plan on visiting Monticello. Not sure where we'll stay on the 26/27th, but we plan on staying in the Mountains, weather permitting. On the morning of the 28th we'll drive to DC so I can go to the infertiles luncheon, organised by the outstanding Flicka, that day (don't worry, we'll put H in the corner with a beer. No really, we'll send him off somewhere. Anyone got any suggestions?). Then we'll go down the coast for a couple of days, returning on the 30th or 31st to Arlington, where we'll spend a few days with friends. Then to Philly, also to see friends, and so I can show H my old haunts, from where we fly home. Not bad, huh? I was pretty excited when I booked it, but now I'm slightly nervous about the cold and the hassle of getting ready to go away...I usually love catering for people at this time of year, and it will be odd not to be doing that. Well, it's an experiment. We'll see if we want to repeat it.
Oh, and I'm going to be in NYC next weekend. For real, this time. Anyone want to have a coffee?
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