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Sunday, 07 August 2005


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It is definitely worth a shot (no pun intended!) and nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

Glad you made a decision anyway. What else would you have done with your weekend hmm?


I don't blame you for trying - and I'm much more intense with this research than for anything else, so you aren't alone.


Thalia, not only are we cycle buddies with cancelling clinics, we must be soul sisters too because I did tons of research in response to my situation too.

I think the optimal time for IUI's are 12 and 36-40 hours after trigger so it sounds like you got it at a good time - right in the middle. Glad you were able to find something better than a turkey baster!

All of my other cycle buddies got knocked up so - here's hoping it works this time for you.


I'm just catching up on my blog reading for the weekend and digesting everything that's happened since I last checked in on you. Wow. So, so sorry about your clinic's policy-- that must have been so hard to hear after all you've been thru. Glad you're going for it. I definitley would. GOOD LUCK!


Thalia, YIPPEEE!!!! I am so happy for you that you took the bull by the horns and you did what you needed to do to make this happen. And my hat's off to your husband too. Even if you didn't have sex tomorrow, the sperm you already injected will cover you, most likely. Sperm can live up to 5 days, providing the vaginal/uterine environment is friendly and not hostile. The average viability window is 48-72 hours. But, of course, have sex ALSO just to stack the deck in your favor.

I'm so happy I could do a dance right now! You showed those RE's that they can't dictate your medical treatment.

What yahoos they are. Geez.

Wishing you lots of luck. Also wishing your hubby luck with his therapy. I hope I didn't offend with my comment--I certainly didn't mean to. :-)


You definitely have a good chance with those follicles and the sperm you've already injected. I am hoping for the very best for you.


Good luck!


Lots of good stuff - thanks for the info! I've just read the IUI review (wish I had brought it with me to show Dr. Business and say you WILL do a second IUI!), and printed a couple of others. I think going ahead with the hcg shot was definitely the right thing to do. Bits crossed!

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