When I first saw my new acupuncturist - on CD2 of this cycle- she asked how I slept. Well, I answered. Having been an insomniac as a teenager, I have essentially had no problems sleeping ever since my time in India when I was 19. But I think I may have spoken too soon.
On holiday I had several very poor nights' sleep. I tossed and turned, awoken by very vivid dreams in which people examined my ovaries over and over again. I blamed it on an uncomfortable bed and too much sun. But since we've returned, I've had several similar nights. Nights where I wake up from a vivid dream and it's bothered me so much I can't return to sleep. It doesn't help that our bedroom is not a very restful space right now - we have no curtains and we're just a few houses away from a main road so it can be a bit noisy. But really I think my mind/body is not in a good balance and it's coming out in my dreams.
Since we got back from holiday the dreams have followed a pattern. I'm in some kind of competition, or trying to complete a task, but things keep getting in the way. And mostly the things are unspecified, or things that I could ignore. I know everyone says this kind of conversation is horrifically boring but you don't have to read it, right? And last time I posted about a dream I got incredibly helpful insights, so I was hoping for a repeat.
For example, a few nights ago I dreamt that I had to catch a Japanese Airlines (v specific) plane. I was at the airport in Japan (again, v specific, although no one in the airport actually looked Japanese). I spent a long time wandering around the airport with two colleagues (vague, never saw them, didn't ascribe names to them), all the time with a nagging suspicion that I was supposed to be getting on the plane. Eventually we all headed towards the plane but there'd been some kind of accident and we had to go through a pod-like room where we had to jump over a place where the water was flooding in (water? in an airport?) and if I had fallen in I would have drowned. Lots of ppl were trying to fix the problem, and one man, wearing a lifejacket, tried to help me over the dangerous part. Eventually we got to the plane, and there were only three seats left, so we were late. But then for some reason I couldn't get on the plane then, they sent me back to get something (unspecified or I can't remember). Dream ends sometime after that.
Dream 2: Much vaguer. I was taking part in some kind of cooking competion (influenced by watching wickedly perfect?) in a large manor-house type place. I wasn't doing well but I also wasn't doing too badly. Lots of people gathering in corners to talk to me about things that were worrying them (unspecified). I was worried about being chucked out for failing but it never happened.
Dream three: Last night I dreamt I tried to smuggle cocaine into the country. I was handed the cocaine - a huge amount in two plastic packets - along with a bunch of syringes when I arrived somewhere (unspecified). It wasn't given to me as a smuggling thing, it wasn't a sordid exchange of money, it was given to me just as an aside. The syringes were the point and the cocaine was a free gift (!!). I thought about not packing it when I was getting ready to return home, then tucked it into my suitcase thinking, Oh well, no point leaving it behind. All was well until I was standing in the passport line (which didn't look like any line I've ever seen) and got nervous about the sniffer dogs sniffing me out as I went through customs on the other side. What was I thinking?! I went to the bathroom to get rid of it. But in every stall in the bathroom there were cameras. I was trying to find a space where the cameras couldn't see me but they seemed to be everywhere. Then I woke up.
There are more in the vein of dream 2, but those are all vaguer and not worth writing down. Possible interpretations: General anxiety dreams for me always involve being prevented from gettign somewhere on time. The specificity of the Japan thing is a new one and I'm not sure about the accident in the airport, that part of the dream is very vivid. No children or babies in any dream.
Clearly I am feeling anxious and as if I need to prove myself (dream 2). But why so many dreams all at once when I usually sleep so well? And why are they panicking me so much that I can't sleep again afterwards? Any suggestions other than taking sleeping pills gratefully received.
* special prize available for quote identification
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