I'm very proud of H and I. For the last week, we have managed to deposit sperm somewhere in the region of my cervix three times - every other night this week. It looks as if I ovulated yesterday or the day before, so we did all we could. It was stressful at times but we've found an approach that works for H. If he loses it, we stop, I lie silently while he relaxes and gets himself ready to go again. Then we try again. Last night it took us I think 7 tries before he could finish, but finish he did, and then I had a lovely orgasm and all was well. Monday night was better, probably because there was less pressure. At some point I hope we will be able to get him over this hump, but this is such an improvement on last autumn that I am working to welcome it with open arms.
Of course, I'm 38, this is the second month post-lap and hysteroscopy, so the chances of it succeeding are probably less than 10%. But 10% is still a chance, right? And heaven knows I will do all I can to avoid the drugs.
Speaking of the drugs, I'm a bit nervous about the clomid. What about this "it's contra-indicated in women over 35" thing? Will it mess me up for six months like Emily? Or will it be fine (if ineffective) like it was for Mellie and many others who answered my last entry (thank you! - should I say thank you every time? Because I feel very thankful, but worry it gets repetitive. What the hell. Thank you. You guys rock)?
Anyway, I've got Hope for the approximately 10 days until she buggers off again. Wish me luck.
As an almost-37 year old, I can tell you that I took clomid for several months for no ill effect. My 37-year old husband AlSO took it but, alas, for no effect whatsoever.
Posted by: Suz | Friday, 15 July 2005 at 01:35
I think 10% combined with your diligence gives you an excellent shot this month.
As for the clomid, everyone is different but that's the only drug to give me hot flashes (but that's probably got more to do with my fsh levels). I did have a couple of nice follies on it each month but the time I got pregnant I had femara (and no side effects at all) to thank.
But you might not need any of that stuff.
Posted by: millie | Friday, 15 July 2005 at 12:12
Clomid is ok. I just get really uncomfortable before I ovulate. I am on 100mg.
I'll be getting jiggy with it next week and my husband sometimes has ..er...trouble. I think it is the pressure.
Posted by: Em | Friday, 15 July 2005 at 13:12
Glad everything worked out for the both of you. I'm also glad that you've found something that works to get past your husband's anxiety.
I have everything crossed for you.
Posted by: PJ | Friday, 15 July 2005 at 15:59
Clomid is contraindicated in women over 35 b/c of its anti-estrogenic effect. B/c of its anti-estrogenic effect, clomid can cause a woman's endometrial lining not to develop sufficiently and be too thin for implantaion. this effect can be more pronounced in older women.
my personal opinion, clomid sucks and is not that effective. i'd skip it and go on to injectable gonadotropins.
Posted by: Enough Already | Friday, 15 July 2005 at 21:09
Congrats on the successful pre-ovulation regimen. You definitely have cause for Hope to be visiting you the next couple weeks. And I completely relate to the frustration and elation caused by husbands' ability to perform. As if there isn't enough going on, to have to stress about not even getting to bat sucks royally. But it sounds like you got 3 solid hits - now hopefully at least one run will score!
Posted by: Mellie | Saturday, 16 July 2005 at 17:04
Hey well done you and H - sterling effort! Hope that the next 10 days go fast and here's to some good news at the end of it.
Posted by: OvaGirl | Sunday, 17 July 2005 at 08:01
I was 38 when I started on clomid, if I had it to do all over again I'd skip it and move on to the injectibles - I found they were actually more tolerable than clomid which made me feel very hormonal and miserable. That said, only you know what's best for you.
Posted by: InSpring | Sunday, 17 July 2005 at 23:16