Thanks to Tania for this title. Although, I don't think I've had any (yet). My two BFs from college, with whom I had tea this afternoon, both commented on how calm I seem. I was a bit grumpy earlier, but then I'm frequently grumpy when anyone tries to move me off the sofa before 12 noon on a Sunday, so I cannot accuse the clomid of that. What I think I can accuse it of is making me have horrible acne. Does that sound right? I haven't been this spotty in years, it's really very annoying.
We did go to the party last night, despite me despairing for 30 mins about what I was going to wear as I am definitely too fat for most of my cool clothes. My husband told me I looked fab, and I think I did look good (spent some time on makeup which I normally never do), but it was fab in the one outfit I looked fab in, and the fab-ness was greatly enhanced by the wonderful Emma Hope shoes I was wearing (they look most similar to the pink Boho Fuzzies, here, but not exactly - I bought them a couple of seasons ago).
I'm so pissed off with myself for getting fatter again, when I worked so hard to get thinner, and I so enjoyed last summer feeling good in clothes I never thought I'd be able to wear. But I am not able to go through what I did last year to lose the weight given all the fertility stuff - at least partially because I don't want to rather than simply because I can't, but certainly the exercise schedule wouldn't work right now. Got to stop moaning and do something about it.
We had a good time at the party, and snuck out early without saying goodbye as my friend was busy being chatted up by an extremely eligible nice jewish guy - he was GORGEOUS - so I didn't want to disturb her. I do quite like parties sometimes, but only if I have control over my exit as after a while I simply don't want to talk to people any more. People think I'm a raving extrovert, but at least H understands that secretly I enjoy being quite alone, or with just him or another v close friend.
Finally, hoping that someone in the UK is reading this, WHAT WERE 51.1% OF THE BRITISH PUBLIC THINKING, EVICTING KEMAL OVER ORLAITH? I just stared at the television in horror. He was funny, he was smart, he was great television. She just whined and touched her breasts a lot. I don't get it. Are 51.1% of the voting public men who just wanted to ogle her? Well, tough titty for you, fishface (as my brother used to say), since she walked out the next morning. Honestly. Have you people no sense?
Normal fertility-related service will be resumed as soon as possible. Until then I must go and work. ugh.
I just caved and bought three new pairs of trousers to wear to work as I don't fit very well into any of my others anymore. This whole not exercising as much thing sucks. Until (if) it works. Then I won't care anymore.
Posted by: Nico | Monday, 01 August 2005 at 00:00
Those shoes are cute! I wonder if they'd send them to me here in the States.
I'm glad you enjoyed the party. It's good to get out and be with friends sometimes.
Posted by: chee chee | Monday, 01 August 2005 at 22:19
Craig has tits too, but he never comes up for nomination. The whiny sleazy little shithead.
Posted by: Orodemniades | Tuesday, 02 August 2005 at 22:49