I wish I was more inspired in chosing entry titles. All creativity just seems to fly out the window when faced with the blank post.
I realised on the plane this evening that I've been very poor at responding to comments. I respond to them in my head, and act on them, but I don't tell you that I'm doing so, oh friends in the computer. So I thought being knackered and at a loose end meant it was a good time to catch up on them and a bunch of short thoughts.
1. Exercise. I'm afraid I've chickened out, to the extent that I didn't bring my workout clothes to NYC with me. Now I'm really regretting it because this hotel has a great gym and the time difference will mean I'll be wide awake early tomorrow with plenty of time for a workout. Oh well. It's just the next three days, then we can go back to our usual schedule. I am well aware that the evidence, medical professionals, and many of you know it is a good idea to continue to exercise during the 2ww. For most of last year I did that but somehow right now, through a combination of feeling sluggish, being busy at work, and because I really don't want to take any risk at all of trashing a pregnancy before it's had a chance, I've been steering clear. I've been walking, but that's about it. I know this is pathetic, unecessary, lazy etc., and I'm really having a hard time with eating and weight right now, but somehow laying off the exercise this time has just felt right.
2. 9dpo, and my boobs hurt. I'm writing it here not because I really think it's a symptom (although I cannot explain how desparately I want it to be), but because I can't remember how it's felt on other cycles, so I thought I'd record it now so that next time I can look back and say, hell yeah, that month my boobs hurt like hell from 7dpo onwards, and nada. No nipple tenderness, so I think this is a definite pre-period thing. A bit of cramping. Please the powers that be, this isn't my period starting early. My cycle is short enough without that.
3. The dream. What interesting points from both of you. Were the rest of you intimidated? Feel it was too wierd? I certainly hadn't thought about the baby running away being about infertility but that totally makes sense. Let's see what I dream tonight.
4. Chick lit. Why do I do this? Why do I buy that shiny book at the airport, thinking it will be a nice relaxing read? They're all pretty uniformly dreadful. Mostly I hate the bad writing, poor characterisation, laughable plots, but that's a style thing and if they can get away with it, good luck to them. No, what really bugs me is sloppy editing. Like in the one I just finished, on one page she says the baby needs a 3 hour nap, then 5 pages later she describes his schedule and there's only a 2 hour nap in there. Someone should have caught that. If you want crappy but fun chicklit, I recommend Sophie Kinsella. If you want really good books masquerading as chicklit, I recommend Jennifer Weiner. Otherwise, I'd give it a wide berth.
I should go to bed. Hope all is well in your part of infertility island.
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