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Friday, 20 May 2005


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Sounds like it went well - really glad to hear it! And it must make you feel better to have those things fixed.

No more checking work emails 'til after the weekend!!!


Definitely, stay away from email!

Congratulations on getting some hindrances removed. Sounds like it was a good idea to have this surgery.

Take care!


I'm wishing you a speedy recovery. Stay away from work email. After my lap, I did not do that and I think the added stress actually prolonged my recovery. Sleep as much as you possible can and take good care of your incisions.

Did they give you photos?

In a month or two you'll be ready to go!


I'm glad it went well, and I hope you have a fast recovery.


I'm so glad you were able to get the surgery done when you needed to have it done. Only good things can come of this.

Sleep! Do only fun, relaxing things!


Take it easy and I hope you heal well. Be good to yourself the next few days.

I am so glad that they were able to fix things while they were in there.

Take care.


I think it's great that they found something they could fix! When I had my lap, I woke up for a brief second in the OR and remember asking if they had found anything, and they said no. I was kinda bummed about having gone through the surgery for nothing. Follow everyone's advice and take it easy. And keep swallowing those Gas-X tablets; I think they really helped.


Take it easy and rest! You just had surgery. I am glad that things went well.


To echo everyone else's sentiments, I'm glad the procedures were not all for naught. Though surgery is never remotely enjoyable, at least they remedied some problems of which you were previously unaware.

Have a nice relaxing weekend and be sure to take it easy!


Definitely stay away from email!! I hope you find some lovely fluffy things to watch on tv. I'm so glad that it all went so well for you. Take good care of yourself this weekend.


Having had a laproscopy only about five months ago, I agree with everything that everyone has already said. Watch movies. Relax. No email for you. Take care of yourself. I'm thinking of you.


So glad it went well and proved to be the right thing to do! Heal quickly and here's to good tv :)


So glad that you got patched up and are on the mend. Good luck!


Hope you're feeling better all the way around.


I'm glad you're wombmates have been evicted and your odds so much improved. Take care of yourself!


Mazel Tov. May this be the start of better things.


Just want to add to the others. Congratulations - it sounds like a ghastly experience but incredibly efficient. Gotta love that two for the price of one deal. And here's to the future with your reconditioned girly bits.

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