Today I did the usual Saturday afternoon thing and went through a pile of post that had come in during the week. One letter turned out to be some of our test results and the news is great! My progesterone test came back at 59 at approx 6 days post ovulation (according to BBT), meaning that I am almost certainly ovulating, and H.'s sperm test came back at a count of 44 million with 72% total motility and 47% progressive motility after 45 minutes, and no round cells, which I understand from Dr Google is only ok on the count, but great on the motility. He missed the cup for the first bit of the sample which apparently contains the highest concentration of sperm, so I'm going to chose not to worry at all about the count. He also tested negative for IgG. The letter from Dr Candour said that he was happy with the results, so I'm taking it as good all round. There was no morphology score apart from the comment about round cells. Anyone else in the UK had a sperm count know why they might not do this test here?
In other good news the chocolate chip cookie dough that I froze after my mammoth baking session a few weeks ago turned out to have survived very well and the cookies were much much better than the first batch. I'd rolled the dough into a sausage shape before I froze it, and so today when I felt like H. needed cheering up (it was pre opening the letter and he was suffering from Saturday afternoon ennui), I got it out of the freezer, unwrapped the clingfilm, and used one of our super sharp Global knives to simply slice the frozen dough sausage into quite chunky discs (about 2 cm thick), and put them straight onto a baking sheet. I flattened them a little as they softened while I waited for the oven to warm up, and I kept a very close eye on them once they were in the oven to make sure I didn't overcook them. They are yummy. I finally managed to make chewy chocolate chip cookies. A red letter day indeed. Not helping the waistline thing, but we both did a tough workout this morning (we see the same trainer in different slots) so I think we can get away with a cookie today.
Tonight we're meeting up with a University friend of mine to see Maria full of Grace so I hope that doesn't eliminate the good mood. I'm feeling happy for what feels like the first time in ages!
Good for you! Happy is awesome. Have fun tonight.
Posted by: Julianna | Saturday, 16 April 2005 at 23:55
Alright! And the sperm count sounds not too shabby at all. I have always heard, and I'm sure you're googling confirmed, that anything over 20 million is good to go. Hey, do you think you can throw a cookie or two in the post to me?
Posted by: Amyesq | Sunday, 17 April 2005 at 02:06
Glad the glass is remaining half full!
Posted by: Sandy | Sunday, 17 April 2005 at 13:21
Hey there, that sperm count sounds pretty darn good to me, and the motility kicks ass. Those sperms are rock stars, I'm sure.
Posted by: Susan | Tuesday, 19 April 2005 at 07:41
Yay for the great numbers!!
And Global knives totally kick ass. I loooooove mine.
Did Maria Full of Grace put you in the mood for grapes? Just wondering.
Posted by: millie | Wednesday, 20 April 2005 at 06:19