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Friday, 04 March 2005


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Hi there...I've just found your blog and read your posts. I don't think you're a bad person. It's so hard not to have feelings of unfairness, which is why I'm so grateful for my blog. I can vent there and people don't judge me for it. I'm looking forward to getting to know you more, and hope we're not travelling together for long!


Hey Thalia,
Just found your blog from your link to mine (thanks for that, BTW)... You are *not* a bad person. I think that all of us who are having difficulty TTC go through the same feelings when we see people who just have to stick their legs up in the air to get pregnant.

And it never ceases to amaze how insensitive those who can get pregnant can be to those of us who have difficulties. Kudos to you for not completely flipping out on unexpected #3.

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